Day 21 ( 03.08.17) Thursday

At the beginning of Nimmy’s program at Peto, we were told that the Institute was going to merge with a University; it was no longer going to be on its own. The Government instituted a law that no college should stand alone. Either a college expands to become a University or it merges with a […]

Thank you

Starting this journal only came as an idea after a few days in Budapest. I really didn’t have it all planned out but I took it one day at a time, jotting down and taking notes of things that were happening around me. The content of this journal has been written from my perspective, and […]

What next?

Currently, I have a lot on my plate. Each day I learn to prioritize; I am still learning. Yes, family comes first but there are days I lock myself in a room to get my job done or to have a ‘me’ time. Writing a home exercise plan for Nimmy and following up to ensure […]